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Title: Feng Shui Training Manual

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Are You Looking For Ways to Receive More Wealth, Abundance and Peace of Mind?

Discover How Feng Shui Can Transform Your Life!

In this report, you will discover the following:

  • What is “Chi” and how does it work in relation to Feng Shui
  • What are Productive and Destructive Cycles and how they work in conjunction with the Feng Shui practice
  • What is the one thing that is the same about them
It is very important to know what the colors used in Feng Shui stand for. There are 11 colors listed in this guide and each of them explains what they represent in the Feng Shui world.

You can’t be happy unless you have a happy home, right? If you don’t have peace, you can’t have positive flow in your life. It’s important that you make a connection and find harmony. When you incorporate Feng Shui, your situation can change from negative to positive. Plus...

  • Why it’s important to have that connection with your home
  • What you can do to make that happen
  • What to do if the atmosphere is not responding the way you want it to
  • What not to do if the atmosphere is not responding the way you want it to


  • Changing your furniture can help you have a better relationship with others
  • What to install outside of your home to bring about change
  • What to do when you find the positive energy in your home
  • What You can do to increase energy in the kitchen
  • Why you should use the colors from the Feng Shui method in your bedroom
  • Why you should have air-purifying plants in your home office
  • How to enhance the presence of Chi
  • Click Here (your affiliate url)


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